Wednesday 12 August 2015

How to Make The Best Fat Burning Protein Shake

Drinking a protein shake to lose weight is based upon scientific research that indicates not all calories are the same. According to Donald K. Layman of the University of Illinois, consuming the same amount of calories through protein results in less fat storage, higher energy levels and lower blood-sugar levels. Whey protein, rich in leucine, is credited with increasing metabolism, weight loss and preservation of lean tissue.

Cinnamon is also an important ingredient that has been demonstrated to lower blood glucose levels in certain individuals. For these reasons, the best fat-burning protein shakes for weight loss include whey protein and cinnamon. Instructions Select fruit for protein shake. Wash, peel and prepare fruit. Cut into small chunks and place in a sealed container. Place in freezer until frozen. Frozen fruit increases the thickness of the shake and makes a cooling, refreshing drink.

 Pour milk into blender. Add whey powder, fruit and cinnamon. Place cover on blender and run on high speed to puree fruit and blend all ingredients together. Use vanilla-flavored or unflavored whey to blend with fruits of choice. Taste the shake. Add additional fruit if desired. Check consistency of blended shake. Add ice and blend again to increase thickness. Start with 1/4 cup ice and add additional ice as desired.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Shawn Stevenson Industry Leading Fitness & Nutrition Expert

How to Lose Stomach Fat Fast at Home

Losing belly fat requires that you shed overall body fat by burning more calories than your body needs. This does not require special equipment, machines, classes or supplements. All you need to do is reduce your caloric intake and increase your caloric burn through exercise. It's a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor before you start your belly fat-loss program to make sure you're healthy.

Set a Realistic Goal
A safe rate of weight loss is about 1 to 2 pounds per week. When you lose weight more quickly, you put yourself at risk of health complications, including gallstones and nutrient deficiencies. People who lose weight too quickly are also more likely to regain the weight they shed. To trim your belly fat and keep it off, commit to making a lifestyle change that includes a healthier diet and increased activity instead of embarking on a short-term crash diet

Calculate Your Caloric Needs
Your doctor can help you set an accurate calorie goal for weight loss, but you can get a rough estimate on your own. First, figure out your calorie needs to maintain your weight. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, moderately active adult females need 2,000 to 2,200 calories each day, while moderately active adult males need 2,400 to 2,800 calories each day. To lose 1 pound a week, you'll need to create a caloric deficit of 500 calories per day. If you're a moderately active female, your calorie goal will be 1,500 to 1,800 per day; if you're an adult male, your goal will be 1,900 to 2,300 calories each day.

Get Rid of Simple Carbs
Your kitchen is the first place you should make changes to lose belly fat. Foods high in simple carbs should be tossed. This includes ice cream, candy, sugary beverages, crackers, chips, cookies, baked goods, white rice and pasta and white bread. These foods spike your blood sugar and leave you feeling hungry again soon after eating. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit, and choose whole-grain products like whole-wheat pasta and whole-grain bread over refined, white-flour products.

Replace Unhealthy Fats
Saturated and trans fats found in red meat, processed meats, snack foods and fried foods are categorically unhealthy for you. They are high in calories and not as nutrient-dense as foods containing healthy poly- and monounsaturated fats such as nuts, avocados, fish and olive and canola oils. A study published in Diabetes Care in July 2007 found that a monounsaturated-fat-rich diet reduced abdominal fat distribution compared to a saturated fat-rich or carbohydrate-rich diet. Just don't go overboard with healthy fats because they're still high in calories.

Put It All Together
Just by cutting out simple carbs and unhealthy fats, you can easily reach the daily 500-calorie deficit needed to achieve a 1-pound fat loss per week. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables; lean protein like white meat chicken, fish and tofu; whole grains; nonfat dairy with no sugar added; and healthy fats. Drink water or unsweetened tea to stay hydrated, and exercise regularly.
Plan to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise such as brisk walking or jogging around your neighborhood, most days of the week. On two or more days each week, add in resistance training to build muscle, which increases your resting metabolism. You can lift weights, do body-weight exercises such as pushups, pullups and squats, or take a yoga or Pilates class on DVD at home.

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How to Use 15 Fat Burning Foods to Lose Weight

These 15 fat burning foods can help reduce your overall calorie to exercise ration and help you lose weight. Follow the steps in this article to build your own weight loss system using 15 fat burning foods and some hard work.


  1. Eat these 5 fat burning fruits.
    Grapefruit, oranges, limes, guava, and apples are high in pulp while relatively low in calories. As a result they take more effort for your body to digest them. Especially if you can eat the least sweet in this group without adding calorie bearing sweeteners it will help you burn fat in your diet.
  2. Include these 5 fat burning vegetables.
    Celery, broccoli, and artichokes are fantastic for any weight loss system. High in soluble fiber these first three fat burning vegetables keep you feeling full longer. Add to these kale and cabbage as fat burning foods high in insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber moves quickly through the digestive track and helps to eliminate toxins. Toxins are released in any weight loss system when fat is burned.
  3. Add in these 5 fat burning protein rich foods.
    Protein is more difficult to digest than carbohydrates. As a result it burns more calories in digestion lowering the overall calorie count. The key for your weight loss system is to make sure your sources of protein are lean, or very in low in fat. Lean turkey, chicken, and fish can help increase the calories necessary for digestion and provide a fuller feeling without adding fat to the diet in large amounts. Since these also contain tryptophan, they can help elevate the mood without the additional calories of other mood elevating foods.
  4. Round out your weight loss system.
    These 15 fat burning foods are helpful for any weight loss program. However, eating fat burning foods is not enough for weight loss. Increase your water intake to at least 8 glasses of water a day. Add in aerobic and anaerobic exercise on a regular basis. And be sure to keep your diet low in simple carbohydrates and fats.

10 Tips to Burn Fat Quickly

The human body is capable of turning almost everything we consume into fat, if taken in excess. This undesirable (albeit necessary) phenomenon can lead to unhealthy crash diets and miracle pills to quickly burn away the unwanted fat. Igniting your metabolism is the secret key to producing safe and rapid weight loss results, and there are numerous ways to kick start the fire.

Cardio Does Not Solve Everything

  • Cardio helps to create a caloric deficit by burning calories but it is muscle that expends the most energy. Concentrate on strength training exercises instead of only cardiovascular exercise to burn fat more quickly and efficiently.

Use Free Weights

  • Strength training via free weights requires more concentration and actual muscle than machine-oriented weight training. Free weights require more coordination but in doing so create a better muscular balance.

Keep Rests Short

  • Keeping rest periods in between sets and reps to a minimum keeps your heart rate elevated and forces the muscles to recover at a rapid pace.

Work the Entire Body

  • Total body workouts focus on the entire body rather than single out one or two muscle groups per session. These compound workouts are more efficient at burning fat because they build more muscle throughout your entire body on a more regular basis, rather than targeting singular muscle groups. The more lean muscle your body is composed of, the more efficient it is at burning fat.

Exercise in the Morning

  • Your body is fueled throughout the day by carbohydrates consumed during daily meals. When you wake up in the morning, you body is depleted of most of these carbohydrates, as they are burned while you sleep. The lack of carbohydrates means the fat will be used as a fuel source instead, burning up to three times more fat than working out later in the day.

Don't Skip Breakfast

  • There's a reason that breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. A healthy, hearty breakfast is the perfect way to jump start your metabolism for the day. Not only does it start your metabolism, but properly fueling yourself will eliminate hunger pangs later in the day which can lead to binging.

Don't Breathe Out Your Mouth

  • Breathing through your nose throughout your work instead of your mouth stabilizes your heart rate and increases your endurance, allowing you to work out longer and more intensely, burning more fat.

Avoid Fad Diets

  • Fad diets promise lots of weight loss in short periods of time, but typically this initial weight loss is just water weight. To burn fat quickly and efficiently, it is a matter of properly fueling yourself with hearty, healthy foods. Starving yourself on the latest trendy diet, you are only more likely to put the weight back on as soon as you stop dieting.

Interval Training

  • Short bursts of high intensity training are said to burn more fat and burn fat longer throughout the day than longer, slow cardio. Interval training mixes short bursts of high intensity cardio and low intensity cardio for 20 minutes or less. These high intensity moments are like pouring kerosene on your fat, igniting your metabolism and keeping it raised throughout the day.

Keep Things Interesting

  • The same workout routine day in and day out allows your body to adapt to it and slow down the rate of fat burning. Switch things up to keep your body guessing and ultimately continuing to work hard.